Greetings from Chicago
We first started meeting at the Criminal Courts in Chicago, IL in December of 2011. During 2014 we grew to 8 locations in Chicagoland. We truly are blessed with an amazing group of partners with who are focused on God’s Kingdom!
Now more than ever Matthew 6:33 seems so fitting for what we are called to be and do. “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” For all the ways you can support us, view our resource page. We continue to accept tax deductible donations through our office address, through the website via Pay Pal or via telephone for our Chicago location. – Mike Kienapple, Courtside Chicago Executive Director.
Let us celebrate and thank God for His work in 2016! We continue to highly value your prayers and support over this next year. Prayers are needed for continued empowerment, favor, provision and wisdom as we grow and that we would continue to see lives radically changed. Get in contact with Mike Kienapple if you would like to get involved in this next year’s efforts.
250,000 people prayed for
13,592 commitments and re-commitment to Christ
Over 21,000 referrals to churches and faith based organizations
31,599 volunteer hours
1,409 physical healings
Over 500 individual volunteers representing hundreds of churches
Well over 100,000 Biblical materials and Bibles dispersed
Courtside celebrates its 5th anniversary
So many lives were touched as well as the many workers God brought us for this massive harvest.
We had an amazing 4th annual banquet, with nearly 300 people in attendance to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to us.
We have the opportunity to begin at courthouses in Lake County Juvenile courts, and Bridgeview later this year.
15 cities or states have expressed interest in bringing Courtside to their courthouses, including Florida, Arizona, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and North Carolina.
Courtside Chicago Stories
Below are pictures and testimonials from our local courthouses. Check-in with us daily on our Facebook page to view our volunteer opportunities and hear what God is doing in the Chicagoland!
Criminal Court
One particular woman came to us completely undone, understandably wrestling with a great amount of fear and hopelessness. As we prayed for her, we watched God remove the fear and hopelessness and replace it with His tangible love and peace. As she opened her eyes 5 minutes later, she smiled and said she was ready!
When she came out two hours later she ran to us praising God and said her son received a favorable decision. “He got what he did not deserve.” Now that is grace! After a year at this courthouse we are seeing an incredible increase in God’s presence and power. Spiritual, emotional and physical healing are regular occurrences.
Daley Plaza
Another man having been to court for a staggering 87 times in 15 years was down and downright angry as he approached the courthouse. We prayed with him briefly as he was running in. Upon his return we were able to pray longer as he told us of the custody battle he was fighting with his ex-wife over all these years.
He encountered God’s grace and was able to deeply extend forgiveness and release bitterness, anger and resentment. He walked away a new man as we gave him a referral to a counselor.
Maybrook Court
We prayed for a woman who was experiencing pain in her legs and joints. We asked God to bring relief and healing for the pain that she was experiencing. When we finished praying she said she had no more pain! A team member said to her ‘this was a kiss from God, and He wanted to do this for her whole life’. She smiled and thanked us as she went on her way.

Follow Courtside Ministries Chicago for the latest news, photos,
and events in Chicago and the surrounding areas.
Mission & Vision Statement:
Courtside Ministries mission is to enable people working in or going in and out of courthouses to experience the love, grace and power of Jesus Christ by inviting His presence through prayer. Our vision is to see people encouraged through hope, strengthened through prayer, guided by the Bible, helped by the community, reconciled to each other, and forgiven through Christ. To accomplish this mission we partner with local churches and faith-based social services for sustainable follow-up, discipleship and support. For more information on Courtside, contact Mike Kienapple.