*Cost: Dinner is $50 per person. If you would like to sponsor a table for you and guests of your choice, select the 1/2 table (4 seats) or full table (8 seats) options below. You may also e-mail Courtside Support for assistance on sponsoring.
*Silent Auction Details: A sample of the auction items include: jewelry from Premier Designs Christian jeweler, artwork, and more exciting items. To donate your tax deductible item to the auction, e-mail ddremsa@aol.com.
We really can’t say it enough – so we’ll say it again here. Thank you. We have the best group
of volunteers and supporters that we could ask for. See the volunteers in action on our facebook page where there are uploaded pictures, videos, and testimonies.
Who can you invite?
We could use your help spreading the word about this exciting event to your friends and family, so please feel free to share this email.